Terms and Conditions
Website Design
Website Design Content Submission
- All website copy needs to be submitted in plain text document or in an unformatted Word document.
- All text and site specific images must be made in one submission. Please create one zip file with all website copy and site specific images and then mail to the email address detailed in the order confirmation email.
- Your logo must be submitted as a png (portable network graphics format) file with a transparent background. Optimal logo size for the design style selected can be found in the on-line shop product description.
- Intelligent Web has allowed to display a maximum of 5 images per page and up to 1000 words.
- Please note it is your responsibility to ensure that no copyright infringements are violated, as you are accountable for the content of your website.
Web site design time allocation
On the Startup package we have allowed for two hours to add your content. On the Professional package we have allowed for four hours to add your content. If you need additional pages or a more complicated design purchase “pay as you go” web design time and our designers will assist you to add the additional content and pages.
Hosting and Email
- Intelligent Web backs up data for its own use and disaster recovery. Our clients are encouraged to make their own backups. We do not make any guarantees on the integrity and reliability of the backups. It is important for security reasons to keep WordPress and WordPress plugins updated to the latest revision.
- Intelligent Web will not be held responsible for any loss of revenue due to the hacking or down time of your website or email account.
- Clients are encouraged to sign up for Intelligent Web’s premium maintenance contract.
- The Startup design package includes 5 email accounts. Please see here in the event you need email client specific help. Intelligent Web reserves the right to invoice email setup support at our standard website support rate.
- The Profesional design package includes 5 email accounts. Please see here in the event you need email client specific help. Intelligent Web reserves the right to invoice email setup support at our standard website support rate.
Web Space and Bandwidth Limitations
- 5000MB to host website files on our server.
- Our standard hosting package also includes for 100 MB per email account to store email on our server.
- 5000MB Bandwidth per month.
WordPress Maintenance Contract
- Should your website need to be restored, Intelligent Web will do everything in its power to get your website back on-line within 24hrs of notification. Intelligent Web have allocated 2 hours to restoring your site. In the unlikely event that this allocation of time is exceeded, Intelligent Web reserves the right to bill you at our current hourly rate for any additional hours.
- Our standard WordPress maintenance contract does not include for any work that may be required as a direct result of a plugin or WordPress update.
Privacy Policy
By signing up for any of our services, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by all terms and conditions listed here, and our privacy policy found here: Privacy Policy.
- Intelligent Web reserves the right to reject the order to design a website if it doesn’t comply with our Hosting Terms and Conditions which can be found on our Website.
- Intelligent Web shall not be liable to you or any third party for any loss of use or data due to website downtime, website compatibility issues, website backups, hacking, website security compromise, regardless of whether such damage was foreseeable.
- Some of the links on this website are affiliate links, which allow Intelligent Web to earn a small referral payment if you choose to purchase the recommended product or service. In return for this recommendation, the service provider may send us a small payment when you make your purchase. This does not affect the cost or payment of your purchase in any way, this small fee is just a token of thanks from the provider. Please note that all our links, recommendations, and expressed opinions have not been published for the sole purpose of generating an income. Any service or product that we recommend has been analysed and has already been used by us and other clients, and we feel it will be of excellent value to you.
- Registrant Education, please click here
- For more information about Domain Name Registrant Rights, please click here
- Please report any instances of abuse with regard to Intelligent Web domain registration abuse to reportabuse@intelligentweb.co.za
- Intelligent Web withholds the right to make changes to these terms and conditions at any time and without notice to end users.